A Genealogical Society
Thomas Chapman
b. ~ 1740, VA, PA, or MD
Ancestor #
Y-DNA Haplogroup:
Y-DNA Haplogroup Designations: R-M512; Terminal SNP R-BY167851 (Big Y)
The genealogies of Thomas Chapman (b. ~1740, d. 1812 in Frederick County, Virginia) and William Chapman (b. ~ 1740, d. 1807 in Fleming Co. Kentucky), have been merged in this narrative based on the Y-DNA test data of male line descendants of both Thomas and William. No paper documentation linking them has yet surfaced, however, the DNA test data of their present day male line descendants suggests a sibling or a first cousin relationship is highly possible. From what is known from their genealogies, (birth dates and generations back to their likely common ancestor), their settlement in close proximity to one another, and the Y-DNA data analysis of present day descendants provide the rationale for combining these two family lines.
Thomas Chapman was born around 1740, and to date his first discovered appearance in the public record is in the Frederick County, Virginia tax list of 1782. This listing was also used to provide a replacement accounting for the first U.S. Census of 1790 for Frederick County as the original records were burned by the British in the war of 1812. He is listed in the Official 1790 US Census having 13 white souls. Subsequent Frederick County tax year listings identify additional Chapman heads of households coming of age in stair step fashion which offers clues as to the sons of Thomas. Thomas died in Frederick County at the end of 1812. Present day descendants of two of Thomas’s sons also had their Y-DNA tested and were able to fuse information from each line to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the genealogy of Thomas. From the Frederick County, Virginia 1782 tax list and the 1790 Census information a large family was likely; yet the will and probate documents only identified 5 candidates as possible children. Y-DNA facilitated the identity of James, a previously unnamed son of Thomas. This discovery linked significant genealogical documents to the line of Thomas and therein suggests that Thomas had 9 sons and 2 daughters. Thomas’s wife was Rachel and their children identified thus far are:
Valentine b. ~1763, m. Ruth Stephens 12 FEB 1783 in Frederick Co., Va.
Margaret b. ~1767, m. John Haymaker 15 NOV 1787 in Frederick Co., Va.
Elias b. ~1770, m, Sarah Gibbons 23 JAN 1791 in Frederick Co., Va.
James b. ~1774, m. Jane (Colwell) Caldwell 14 MAR 1794 in Frederick Co., Va.
Elizabeth b. ~1781, m. Jonathan Molineaux 21 NOV 1799 in Winchester, Va.
Thomas b. ~1775, m. Mary Stone, 24 DEC 1797 in Frederick Co., Va.
William Chapman was also born around 1740. His first born son, Calimore (b. 1767) settled in Allegheny County, Maryland. William’s first born daughter Tabitha is also noted to have been born in Maryland in 1770. Court records of Fleming County, Kentucky indicate that William had “settled on land in the winter or spring of 1795”. He died in Fleming County, KY in 1806. William’s Wife was Eleanor Knox. Their Children are identified as follows:
Collimore b. ~1767, m. Anna or Nancy Hinkle in Allegheny Co. Md.
Tabitha b. ~1770, m. William Plummer 3 APR 1793 in Mason Co., Ky
William b. 29 MAR 1774, m. Naomi Browning 12 APR 1804 in Fleming Co., Ky.
Monica b. 7 SEP 1777, m. Jeremiah L. Plummer 9 JUL 1800 in Fleming Co., Ky
Naaman m. Rachel Plummer 10 DEC 1803 in Fleming Co., Ky
Sarah m. John Norris on 28 JUN 1808 in Fleming Co., KY
Nancy b. 1791, m. Joshua Tatman on 23 FEB 1809 in Fleming Co., Ky
The Thomas/William Chapman Patriarch is defined as the common ancestor of William and Thomas who is perhaps their father or grandfather. This Patriarch is the topic of “next step” (ongoing research) whose name and particulars are unknown at this time. With the birth year of Thomas and William being around 1740, it is estimated for research purposes, that if they were brothers, their father was born 25 years earlier or about 1715. Likewise, if they were first cousins, their grandfather would have been born in the vicinity of 1690.
Chapmans of the R-M512 Haplogroup
It should be noted that to date, all Chapman males who have an R-M512 Haplogroup designation from Y-DNA testing are tightly coupled to the line of Thomas and
William. Recently, a third line (in addition to Thomas and William) has been identified and is being factored into ongoing research. The research consultant for the Chapman DNA Project members having an R-M512 Haplogroup designation (also known as R1a Haplogroup) is Ray Chapman. Contact Ray at Occasionally research notes concerning this family line are released for family members. Persons interested in being added to the distribution list should contact the research consultant.
Ray Chapman
Family Manager:
Ray Chapman
Family Manager Email:
DISCLAIMER: These documents are subject to change as evidence dictates. Genealogy is not something that is ever completely finished. Time and technology tends to catch up with the best works. If in reading the following offerings you believe you have a correction or different version, do not hesitate to discuss it with the family manager.