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CFA Library - Family Histories

"Conrad Wise Chapman" American Art Review, Feb 1997, pp150-160. FH026


Alford, Gilbert K. 1989 Chapman Directory. Author, 1988. 142p, paperback; special index. FH002


Ambrose, Florene Burton. Jammie Seay: His Descendants and Other Allied Families. Published 1977 by Lorene Ambrose Barnett. 187p. FHL US/CAN Film1036320 Item 4 FH049


American Heritage. A Sense of History: The Best Writing from the Pages of American Heritage. Introductory note by Byron Dobell. Houghton Mifflin Company. (Article on Johnny Appleseed). FH096


Ball, Olive. Research papers for Heman/Hiram Chapman b 9 Aug 1764 Sharon, Litchfield, CT; wife Mary Potter born 7 Feb 1767 New Haven, New Haven, CT. FH095


Ball, T. H. Francis Ball's Descendants or The West Springfield Ball Family From 1640 to 1902. J. J. Wheeler, 1902. FHL US/CAN Film1028 FH066


Barger, Alvan Lyell, editor. The Barger Journal. Vol 1 No. 1, June 1924: A publication devoted to the genealogy and history of the Bargers and allied kindred. FHL US/CAN Film1266695 FH012


Barnett, Lorene Ambrose. Jammie Seay: His Descendants and Other Allied Lines. Published by author Oct 1977. FHL US/CAN Film1036320 Item 4 FH037


Berry, Brian J.L., PhD. Northern Neck Families: The Ancestors of Susan Frances Chapman: Alexander Chapman and Pearson, plus Connecting Lines Including the Balls, Macraes and Washingtons, 125p.Index. FHL US/CAN Fiche6104787 FH005


Berry, Brian J.L., PhD. The Ancestry Of Fanny Barnes And Her Husband Thomas Knight; Family relationships in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Long Island, 1620-1820. Prestige Printers, Inc., c1989. FHL US/CAN Film1651483 Item 6 FH004


Berry, Brian J.L., PhD. The Rufus Parks Pedigree: Seventeen Centuries of One Family's Ancestry. Prestige Printer, Inc., c1989. 166p. Index. FH006


Berry, Brian J.L., PhD. The Shapleigh, Shapley Family; A Comprehensive Genealogy, 1635-1993. 534p. Index. Ancestors from Devonshire; Kingsweare/Kittery; Charlestown; Northumberland Co., VA; Marblehead; Isles of Shoals; Tennessee/Mississippi; Cudleigh; Denbury/Houston. Early origins, 1993. FH007


Berry, Brian J.L., PhD. Westward The American Shapleys: The Family and Descendants of David Shapley, a Seventeenth-Century Marblehead Fisherman, with Pedigrees of the Spouses (Atwater, Berry, Chapman, Coleman, French, Parks, Talmage, Utter and Connecting Lines). English Ancestry and American Descent of Five additional Shapley Immigrants: Alexander, John, Nicholas, Philip and Reuben, 1987. 466p. FHL US/CAN Fiche 6088873 FH008


Biles, Elmer S. Nathaniel Chapman (1709-1760): A Maryland and Virginia Gentlemen. Beverley (Chapman's) Hill News Volume 2, Issue 1 page 3 held in the Prince William Library System. 2 pages. FH092


Bill, Ledyard. History of the Bill Family. 1867. FH068


Bird, Rev. Milton, D.D. The Life of Rev. Alexander Chapman. W. E. Dunaway, Publisher, 1872. FH048


Birmingham, Stephen. America’s Secret Aristocracy. Little, Brown and Company.c1987 334p
Includes mention of: Chandler Chapman; Eleanor Jay Chapman; Elizabeth Chandler Chapman; Henry Chapman; John Jay Chapman; John Jay II Chapman; Minna Timmins Chapman and Olivia James Chapman. FH116


Boynton, John Farnham and his wife Caroline (Harriman) Boynton. The Boynton Family: A Genealogy of the descendants of William and John Boynton, who emigrated from Yorkshire, England, in 1638, and settled at Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts. Part 1: Including Historical and Biographical sketches, English records, and first five generations of the family in this county. 1897. FHL US/CAN Film896875 Item 2 FH019


Bower, Eugene. Joseph and Lydia "Fleming" Cummins. Cal-Na Bindery, Sacramento, CA, c1995. 738p, hardcover, acknowledgements, indexed. FH023


Boyle, Frederick R. and R. Austin Chapman. Chapman Family History; some Descendants of Edward Chapman of Ipswich, MA, Through the Line of Joseph Chapman of Sanbornton, NH, and MI With Collateral Lines. Privately printed, c2004. FH059


Burrows, R. Earl, compiler and publisher. Robert Burrows and Descendants 1630-1974, Vol 1. 1975. FHL US/CAN Film982017 Items 1-2 FH073


Record of the Descendants of John and Elizabeth Bull: Early Settler in Pennsylvania: 1674 to 1919. Published by the Shannon-Conmy Company, California, 1919. Title page, index page and all pages containing Chapman FH106


Carlisle, Fred, compiler. Chronography of Notable Events in the History of the Northwest Territory and Wayne County. Period Embraced, 1681-1890. Wayne County Historical and Pioneer Society, O.S. Gulley, Borsman & Co., Printers, 1890. FH103


Chapman, B. B. (Billy Blanchard), Lyman and Mary Chapman. St. Paul [Minnesota] : B. Chapman, 1980 x, 201 p. : ill., geneal. tables, ports. FH076


Chapman, Beauford William, Chapman Family History. Grass Valley, California : B.W. Chapman, 1987 340 p. : ill., ports. FH077


Chapman, Benjamin Chapman, Jr. born ca1760. FH081


Chapman, Byron Eaton. A biography from the History of the Mohawk Valley (NY), Volume III, page 321. The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925. FH079


Chapman, Carlton Tattersall born 27 Dec, 1934 Tela, Honduras. FH082


Chapman, Carlton Theodore born 18 September 1860 Oberlin, Ohio. FH083


Chapman, Jesse Pugh. Giles Chapman of Bridlington and His Descendants. Asheville, NC. Author c1976. 715p, 29cam, hardcover, indexed. FH020


Chapman, C. Margery. Barnum-Hayes-Chapman-Waterman-Snider-VanHoose Family Genealogical Records and Other Data, 1710-1960. by C. Margery Chapman, Keith H. Etcher, Myrtle Bernice Barnum. Salt Lake City. Published by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1989. US/CAN: 1320830 Item 5. FH029


Chapman Family Correspondence and other Documents, The register of 1791-1898. MSS00487 Mandeville Special Collections Library, Geisel Library, University of California, San Diego,. Title page with Biography and Content of collection. FH107

Papers of John Gadsby Chapman 1808-1898 family.


Chapman, Grace Olive. Slate Family: William Slate of Windham and Mansfield, Connecticut and Some of His Descendants. Author, 1941. FHL US/CAN Film1697622 Item 4. FH036


Chapman, Ira Allen. The Samuel Chapman Family of Virginia 1700-1773 and his descendants. Privately printed. 1909. (2 CD’s) FH113


Chapman, Ira with Jewell Chapman and Nancy Crayton. Chapman Family History: From Our Earliest Documented Roots in Pickens County, SC in 1798. Author, 1994, 181p; softbound, indexed. FH022


Chapman, Ira Thomas, Jr. with Jewell Lambert Chapman and Nancy Chapman Crayton. A Chapman Family History; From Our Earliest Documented Roots in Halifax County, VA 1745. 3rd edition, 2004. 209p FH057


Chapman, Jacob. A Genealogy, Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Mass., 1642-1678 and His Descendants. Microreproduction of original published Concord NH, Republican Press, 1893. vii, 139p 2 leaves of plates, portraits, indexes. FH016


Chapman, James B. A biography from the History of Mohawk Valley (NY), Volume III, page 633. The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925 FH080


Chapman, John Jr. Last Will and Testament who died in Hannibal, Oswego Co., NY in 1854. He was born 1801 in Hoosick Falls, Washington Co., NY. FH097


Chapman, John. Last Will and Testament who died 9 October 1817. He lived in Hoosick, Rensselaer County, NY. FH098


Democratic Rooster’s A Hoosier. (Joseph Chapman) FH094


Chapman, Margaret. Notes and Diary of K.K. Chapman 2d Lt. Co A, 19th VA. Battery, Artillery Brigade, April, 1865. Copied for Southern Historical Collection University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. FH058


Chapman, Mary Nichols. Will dated 16 Aug 1853. She lived in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. FH099


Chapman, Nathaniel III born 1703 Ipswich, Massachusetts. FH089


Chapman, Nathan born 13 October 1707 Ipswich, Massachusetts. FH084


Chapman, Captain Nathaniel born September 13, 1746 in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. FH088


Chapman, Nathan II born 27 August 1751 Ipswich, Massachusetts. FH085


Chapman, Nathan III born September 2, 1802 Black Meadow, Damariscotta, Maine. FH086


Chapman, Nathan S IV born April 11, 1831 Bremen, Maine. FH087


Chapman, O.E. born 27 March 1832 Medina County, Ohio. Biography from Bureau County, Illinois. US GenWeb, c1999 Virginia Perry. FH091


Chapman, R.D. A Georgia Soldier in the Civil War: 1861-1865. The original book was written by Robert Duncan Chapman and published in 1922, 99p. FH003


Chapman, Rev. F.W. The Chapman Family or The Descendants of Robert Chapman, One of the First Settlers of Saybrook, Connecticut., With Genealogical Notes of William Chapman, Who Settled in New London, Connecticut; Edward Chapman, Who Settled at Windsor, Connecticut; John Chapman, of Stonington, Connecticut; and Rev. Benjamin Chapman, of Southington, Connecticut. Case, Tiffany and Co., 1854, reprint Higginson Book Company. 413p, illus, coat of arms, hardcover, indexed. FHL US/CAN Film896749 Item 2 FH017


Chapman, Rev. Jacob. Leonard Weeks of Greenland, N.H. and descendants, 1639-1888, with early records of Families connected, including the following names: Bailey, Bartlett, Burley, Chapman, Chesley, Clark, Hartman, Folsom, Fowler, French. Frost, Haines, Hilton, Home, Lane, March, Mead, Moody, Moore, Philbrook, Pickering, Perkins, Rollins, Sanborn, Scammon, Thompson, Wiggin and Wingate. Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers, 1889. FH069


Chapman, Roy H. Facts and Events of the Chapman Family. Mimeographed copy. No publishers info available. 74p, no index. FH034


Chapman, Sigsmunda Mary Frances. A History of Chapman and Alexander Families. The Dietz Printing Company, Richmond, Virginia, 1946. Reprint Higginson Book Company. (softbound) 305p FHL US/CAN Film1321120 Item 2 FH053


Chapman, Thomas C., Compiler. The Chapman Trail. Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, c1985 FHL US/CAN Fiche6049347 FH045


Chapman, Thomas Merrifield born 8 December 1872 Oberlin, Ohio. FH090


Chapman, Waity. Will dated 11 Aug 1837. She lived in Hoosick Falls, New York FH101


Chapmans of Westchester County, New York. FH100


Chipman, Alberto Lee. Chipmans of America. Ye Chipman Printery, Publishers, Poland, Maine, 1904. Reprint Higginson Book Company (softbound) 232p FHL US/CAN Film1321118 Item 10 FH056


Coker, Caleb, Editor. The News From Brownsville: Helen Chapman's Letters from the Texas Military Frontier, 1848-1852. Published for the Barker Texas History Center by the Texas State Historical Association No. 2 in the Barker Texas History Center Series c1992. FH041


Culbertson, Sidney Methoiot, Compiler. The Hunter family of Virginia and Connections. Denver, Colorado, 1934. Reprint Higginson Book Company (softbound) 22p. FHL US/CAN Fiche 6060548 FH055


Deming, Flora Bogue. Bogue Genealogy: Descendants of John Bogue of East Haddam, Conn. and wife Rebecca Walkley also the North Carolina Bogues and Miscellaneous Bogue Records. Ancestors of James Hubbard Bogue and wife Polly Adelaide Phillips their Royal Lines. The Tuttle Publishing Co. FHL US/CAN Film1321112 Item 1 FH013


Dixon, James D. History of Charles Dixon, One of the Early English Settlers of Sackville, N.B. 1891. FHL US/CAN Film386154 FH067


Edmonds, Elsie Chapman. John Chapman of Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Thomas Powe of Cheraw, South Carolina, and related families. Self-published?, MS 421p illus hardcover indexed. FH018


Ellis, Havelock My Life: Autobiography of Havelock Ellis. The Riverside Press, Massachusetts. c1930 by Houghton-Mifflin Co. title page, Index page and all pages containing Chapman. FH108
F.W. Chapman family of Grafton, Australia


Ellsworth, Philip Chapman. Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Massachusetts - Puritan Immigrant and Patriarch Part I: Pathway from England and Part II: Life in New England. Original research by author. (one CD) FH115


Ferris, Mary Walton, Compiler. Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines: A Memorial Volume Containing the American Ancestry of Mary Beman (Gates) Dawes, Volume II Gates and Allied Families. Privately printed 1931. FH028 Includes what author gathered on Edward of Windsor and Robert of Saybrook. FHL US/CAN Film1035529 Item 2 FH047 a second copy.


Fletcher, W.J. The Gee Family: descendants of Charles Gee (d. 1709) and Hannah Gee (d.1728) of Virginia; with a chapter on the English Background. The Tuttle Publishing company, Inc. FHL US/CAN Film1035860 Item 6 FH065


Franklin, Dr. Jesse Edward. The Family and Ancestry of Sims Kelly Franklin and Margaret Virginia Chapman Franklin. LDS Film#1036334, Item 6, 1973 paper copy. FHL Film#1036334, Item 6, FH032


Gerard, Charles B. Descendants of Ralph Chapman. F. M. Ruttenber & Son, Neyburgh, NY, 1876. Reprint Higginson Book Company, n.d. (softbound) 80p FHL US/CAN Film896940 Item 5 FH054


Gibbs, Mildred Chapman. From Culpeper County to the Teays Valley: The Story of the John and Jane Donaho Chapman family and Those Related by Marriage. Author, revised 1978. FH043


Givens, Dorothy Hall. A Givens-Hall Family From Pre-Revolutionary Times to 1970: Including Many Related Families Such As Alexander, Bowman, Black, Chapman, French, Green, Johnston, Phlegar, Ross, Snidow, Stafford, Welker and Others. n.d. FHL US/CAN Fiche6087427 FH052


Gustafson, Dian Chapman. Cover title: A Chapman Chronicle. Chapman : genealogy and history of one branch, descendants of William Chapman, [born about ] 1651, with emphasis on the direct lines of Orville Weston, 1846-1890, and Jay Cook, 1869-1938, and their descendants with notes on Margaret Simington, a work in progress. (Gladstone, Oregon, 1998) FHL US/CAN Film1425058 Item 3 FH075


Guthrie, Laurence R. We Veitches, Veatches, Veaches, Veeches; An Historical Treasury of the Descendants of James Veitch, the Sheriffe. Redmond, OR, n.d. FH014


Harris, Robert C. Johnny Appleseed, Source Book. 52p illus Reprint of 3rd edition, 1949. One of an historical series, this pamphlet was published under the direction of the governing Boards of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, IN, 1945. FH027


A Genealogical History of the Harwood Families descended from James Harwood, who was of English Origin, and Resided in Chelmsford, Mass. A.F. Bigelow, Potsdam, N.Y. 1879. FH109


Hatcher, Harlan with Robert Price, Florence Murdoch, John W. Stockwell, Ophia D. Smith, Leslie Marshall. Johnny Appleseed, A Voice in the Wilderness: The Story of the Pioneer John Chapman, a Centennial Tribute. The Swedenborg Press, Paterson, N.J., 1945. 7 ppFHL US/CAN Film1630321 FH031


Hill News Volume 2, Issue 1 page 3 held in the Prince William Library System. 2 pages. FH092


A History and Genealogy of the Families of Bellinger and DeVeaux and Allied Families, With a Genealogy of Branches of the Following Families - - Chapman -- (and others). Savannah, Georgia, The Morning Newsprint, 1895. FHL US/CAN Film 896656 Item 3 FH070


Horn, Ivy Huntley. John Huntley of Lyme, Connecticut, and his descendants. 1953. FHL US/CAN Fiche 6060555 FH063


Hudson, Mrs. Lillian Chapman. Genealogical Notes of the Descendants of Edward Chapman of Windsor, Connecticut. Alameda, CA, 1894. FHL US/CAN Film 1036394 Item 2 FH011


Hurlburt, Clifford George. Pierce Genealogy; Being A Partial Record Of The Posterity Of Richard Pearse, An Early Inhabitant Of Portsmouth In Rhode Island Who Came From England, And Whose Genealogy Is Traced Back To 972. George C. White Publisher, 1927. San Diego, CA. 224p FH015


A Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight Families: with Some Account of the Earlier Hyatt Families, a List of the First Settlers of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass., etc. The Providence Press Co. Boston, 1871, Title page, index page and all pages containing Chapman FH105


A History and Genealogy of the Families of Bellinger and De Veaux and allied Families, with a Genealogy of Branches of he following families, together with mention of many names: ---- ---- Chapman --- (and others). Savannah, Georgia, The Morning Newsprint, 1895. . FHL US/CAN Film896656 Item 3 FH070


Jacobus, M.A., compiler. The Bulkeley Genealogy: Rev. Peter Bulkeley: being an account of his career, his ancestry, the ancestry of his two wives, and his relatives in England and New England, together with a genealogy of his descendants through the seventh American generation. 1933. FHL US/CAN Film1597628 Item 2 FH038


Keller, Russell E. We Kellers And Our Kin; Being The Account Of The Family Of Johann Frantz Keller Beginning In Germany And Continuing With His Coming To The New World (America) In 1709. Author, n.d. FH050


Leonard, Ermina Newton, Compiler. Newton Genealogy: Genealogical, Biographical, Historical; Being A Record of The Descendants of Richard Newton of Sudbury and Marlborough, Massachusetts, 1638 With Genealogies of Families Descended From The Immigrants. Bernard Ammidown Leonard, De Pere, Wisconsin, 1915. FHL US/CAN Film874373 Item 1 FH035


Littell, Judge Noble K., Compiler. The Chapman Family. computer printed, Sebring, Florida, August, 1996. 81p Index. FH009


Littell, Judge Noble K., Compiler. Littell Families History & Genealogy, Volume 1 & 2. Published by Genealogy Publishing Service for Littell Families of America, Inc., c1994. Available from the Author. FHL US/CAN Film1425089 Item 1 Vol. 2 FHL US/CAN Film1425089 Item 2 FH042


Littell, Judge Noble K., Compiler. Some Ancestors & Descendants of John Chapman (1729- ca1780); a working draft. Index. Author, 2001 FH046


Martinazzi, Toni. Albert Rice Chapman:1866-1948, And His Descendants. Author, c1993. 307p, index. FHL US/CAN Film1698001 Item 3 FH044


McCarley, Maryanne DeWeese. Journey Into Yesterday (A Family History). Copy of original book. FH051


Mitchell, Jr., John Fowler. The Rooster: Its Origin as the Emblem of the Democratic Party. Published in The Journal of American History 1913. FH093


Nichols, Arthur Clark and Evelyn P. Nichols. Nichols-McHargue-Loveland and Allied Families In America; Containing Descendants of Reuben Nichols, Alexander McHargue, I. Thomas Loveland. Includes Biographical and Historical Information on Descendants in the Female as well as the Male Lines, so far as ascertained. n.d. FH030


Pankey, George Edward. John Pankey of Manakin Town, Virginia and His Descendants, Volume Three. Supplement to Records Contained in Volumes One and Two. Ruston, Louisiana. 1981. FHL US/CAN Film 1033917 Items 3 - 5 FH033


Phelps, Judge Oliver Seymour and Andrew t. Servin. The Phelps Family of America and Their English Ancestors, With Copies of Wills, Deeds, Letters and Other Interesting Papers, Coats of Arms and Valuable Records, in Two Volumes. Eages Publishing Co., Pittsfield, MA, 1899. FHL US/CAN Film1036571 Items 1-2 FH039


Pippenger, Wesley E. John Alexander: A Northern Neck proprietor His Family, Friends and Kin with introduction by T. Michael Miller. Gateway Press, Inc., 1990. FH119
Title page and index pages only.


Pitman, Harold Minot. The Fahnestock Genealogy: Ancestors and descendants of Johann Diedrich Fahnestock. privately printed, 1945. FHL US/CAN Film250253 FH064


Ravenscroft, Ruth Thayer. Martin Clinton Thayer: His Ancestors & Descendants. 1947. FHL US/CAN Film 1321389 Items 1 - 3 Vol. 2-4 FHL US/CAN Film875401 FH074


Roberts, Paula “Johnny ‘Appleseed’ tree planted in MVHS Living History Arboretum”. The Lincoln County News, Damariscotta, Maine. August 25, 2011, page 16, 17. FH112


Rummel, Frieda L. "Journal Writer Hears Carrie Chapman Catt Give Stirring Address". Wisconsin State Journal, November 2, 1924. FH060


Saunders, Dorothy Chapman. Robert Chapman - David Thomson allied family lines : 93 allied family lines from Robert Chapman, Sr., Saybrook, Conn., 1635, and David Thomson, Portsmouth, N.H., 1623. Spine title: Ancestral lines of Robert Chapman and David Thomson,Vero Beach, Florida : D.C. Saunders, c1983 (Stuart, Florida : Southeastern printing) 333 p. FH078


Scott, H.W. History of Portland, Oregon with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers. D. Mason & Co., Publishers 1890 Title page, Biographical index, Index and all pages containing Chapman. FH110
Col. W. W. Chapman in Oregon


Shapley, Mrs. Margaret W., Compiler. The Family and Descendants of Rufus Wilson Parks. Author, 1968. FHL US/CAN Film1697425 Item 12 FH021


Shapley, Mrs. Margaret W., Compiler. The Family and Descendants of Roswell Deloss Shapley. August, 1968, 20p. FHL US/CAN Film1750784 Item 12 FH010


Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock. The Sherrill Genealogy; the descendants of Samuel Sherrill of East Hampton, Long Island, New York. Second and revised edition compiled and edited by Louis Effingham deForest, 1938. FHL US/CAN Film1321324 Item 1 FH072


St. Amand, Jeanetyte Cox, Rev. Wm. E. Cox, and Mrs. Olivia Cox McCormac. Our Family Genealogy: Including the Nelson, Johnson, Roach, Smith, Little, Cox, Dawson-Wooten, and Chapman Families, each related to the other by descent or marriage, or both. FHL US/CAN Film 1321351 Item 6 FH062


Thompson Katharine Foster, Editor. Chapter and Verse: The Annotated Diaries of Asa Lansford Foster (1798-1868). Author, c1992 FH040


Wheeler, Florence E., Compiler. John Chapman's Line of Descent From Edward Chapman Of Ipswich: With An Introduction by Robert Price. Reprint from Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. Author, c1939. FH024


Willey, Henry. Isaac Willey of New London, Conn., and his descendants. Author, New Bedford, Mass, 1888. FHL US/CAN Film1012785 Item 9/ FHL US/CAN Film1036667 Item 1 FH071


Wisconsin Historical Society. "Corscot Story Recalls Memories of Chapman". FH061


Wiseman, Eugene M. The Wiseman Family and Allied Lines, Volume I. Genealogy Publishing Service, NC, c1991. FH025


Wood, Henry. Democratic Rooster’s A Hoosier. (Joseph Chapman) FH094







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